The answer

“Are you sure you want to know the answer? And are sure the questions are the right ones and are you sure to have posed them in a proper manner?.
Not to mention another aspect, my dear man from the wood. Not to mention that the questions couldn’t be those only, and maybe not only 2 but much more. And the answers could be even more. Much more than you can expect or simply imagine.”
The voice, that voice agian, hissing in his ears, hissing in his brain as it were deep inside it. A hint of sadistic pleasure in its tone: that’s what he sensed once more. And again the harsh sensation of something still not completly realized, not fully gotten nor understood.
The silence was back again. A complete black, deep silence. Not even the wind nor the sound of nature were in the air. No more. Just deep, black silence. Chilly silence.
Absence of lifes, strong, extremely strong tension. Electrostatic charges pumped up to the highest level. Ready to strike like a huge capacitor.
“So you want to have an answer. And I assume you want a definitive and clear one.
Straight, polite, and well defined. You want an answer so clear and sharp to draw a line, the line that separates the good from the bad, the hope and disillusion, the past and the future, the joy and the pain. So you want such an answer, Brian.
Let me tell you just one more thing, my friend.
You assume I have an answer. This is quite fair, indeed. I am delighted at such a consideration. But you might be wrong about all of this.
And you also assume that there is such an answer, my friend. This also might turn to be wrong.
So in the end the only answer I can give you is a plain one. Without any color, any character or personality.
There’s no such an answer, Brian.
Everything is fluid, and changing and sliding in the path of time. Everything is moving and floating in the universe. The inner one and the external one.
You remember that Brownian motion from your studies, don’t you?
And the average path of the electrons in the conductors? Collisions, and new directions and new collisions and so forth. Forever and ever.
So, where is the answer you are searching for? Where is the ultimate word everyone would like to have, to hear, to keep, to breathe?
Where is it, Brian my friend?
